about the tween book blog

This is the place to be for reviews of Tween and YA books! And, best of all, it is written by a 13-year-old who knows the perspective of tweens and teens!

Monday 18 July 2016

Every Day

Every Day by David Levithan

Every day, A is someone else. It's been happening since he was born, and he's grown used to it. But then one day, he wakes up as Justin, and meets Rihannon, who he falls in love with instantly. But is it possible to love someone who is constantly changing...

This book is possibly one of the best books I have ever read. O.k. so it's a love story, and that doesn't tend to be my preferred genre, but it really didn't matter. Just the idea for the book is great, let alone the actual writing. As with all his books, it was written wonderfully. I think the characters were well developed.

I am going to give it a 10/10
and an age rating of 11+

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