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This is the place to be for reviews of Tween and YA books! And, best of all, it is written by a 13-year-old who knows the perspective of tweens and teens!

Sunday 10 April 2016

The Tragedy Paper

The Tragedy Paper by Elizabeth LaBan

When Duncan walks into school on the first day of his senior year, he has two things on his mind. Firstly, his tragedy paper and secondly, what treasure has been left for him. There is a tradition at Irving School that, when they leave, all seniors leave behind 'treasure' for the person that gets there room. But when he finds it, Duncan's room is the worst in the building, and his treasure is just a pile of CD's. But when he goes to put on the CD, he finds that maybe it isn't what he was expecting.

Once you get past the fact that it's not going to win any prizes for the quality of the writing, the idea isn't that bad. One thing I didn't like was the twist at the end, it just didn't work with the rest of the story. Although, to be honest, it sure did make it tragic. The characters were well thought up and I liked the way it was kind of two stories rolled into one.

I am going to give it a 7/10
and an age rating of 12+

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