about the tween book blog

This is the place to be for reviews of Tween and YA books! And, best of all, it is written by a 13-year-old who knows the perspective of tweens and teens!

Sunday 17 January 2016

Terror Kid

Terror Kid by Benjamin Zephaniah

Rico is a 15 year old boy who is extraordinary at computing and hacking. One day he meets Speech, a friend of his colleague at the computer shop. Speech wants Rico to make a website, then hack the traffic association, and more. So when Speech asks Rico to get the site of the nearby police HQ down he thinks nothing of it. Until a bomb goes of at the head quarters at the same time as Rico has programmed the site to go down.

What i really liked about 'terror boy' was the fact that Benjamin Zephaniah made you feel sympathetic for Rico all the way through the story. Rico was really realistic and probably in the same situation as many 15 year old boys.

I am going to give it 8/10
and an age rating of 10+

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