about the tween book blog

This is the place to be for reviews of Tween and YA books! And, best of all, it is written by a 13-year-old who knows the perspective of tweens and teens!

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Looking for Alaska

Looking For Alaska by John Green

Miles Halter is very smart but not very good at making friends. He sometimes jokes that his only friends are his teachers. That is until he moves school and meets The Colonel, Alaska, Takumi and Lara. Finally he is feeling a bit better about things. Until one day, Alaska gets horribly drunk and something terrible happens.

I thought that this was probably one of the best books i have ever read. It was thrilling and had you puzzling out the pieces until right at the end. I think that it was a fun story line all the way through and it wasn't too hard to follow

I am going to give it 10/10
and a rating of 12+ due to slight inappropriate content.

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